You can be assured that your money will be used wisely and ALL of your donation will go directly for the cause you specified or, if a general donation, for the Tribe's funding needs such as:

◈ prepetual care of our sacred burial ground/cemetery in Presidio, TX, and its protective wall (planning & building in progress);

◈ to help sponsor the annual Lipan Apache Tribe Nde Daa (Spring) Pow-wow;

◈ to sustain and expand community programs;

◈ to run the Tribal office in basic energy and communication costs, office supplies, mailing supplies, and other similar office costs;

◈ to secure a permanent site for our Tribal Museum and Cultural Center, and

◈ to pay for the annual subscription for the website's SSL (security) certificate.

And, be assured, that if you noted that your PayPal contribution was to be used for a particular need or project, then 100% of the funds received will be used for your designated cause.
